Monday 14 July 2014


Before I begin I really do feel I should apologise for the title of the post. As this is purely designed to introduce myself to the internet I felt I should give you all an idea of what to expect. Basically if you met me face to face you would be greeted with an awkward 'Hiya...' and most likely a great deal of mumbling. It's not cute. It's not endearing. It's just downright pathetic. Didn't want to raise your expectations too much so without further a do I shall get started.

(Going to take a Q and A approach to this as I am nowhere near creative enough to find an alternative. Don't worry I'll try and make it sound as little like a job interview as possible)

Why Blog?

Honestly this isn't really an easy question for me. Maybe I just feel a little bit lost at the moment and looking to find some sort of purpose in life. I'm 21 (nearly 22) and have no real idea of what I want to do. First I wanted to be a vet (I was like 6 by the way). Then I realised I didn't actually fancy the idea of cutting animals open. So I settled for buying a guinea pig.

Then I wanted to pursue some sort of career involving art. My high school art teacher soon made me abandon that ambition by systematically destroying my love of the subject. I will say one of my proudest moments was getting an A at the end of my GCSEs and having her grunt a reluctant 'well done'. (Had to resist the urge to shove the certificate in her face, stupid cow). Wow sorry about that, got a bit distracted. I'm sure of all of us have those moments at school we wish we could revisit and do things a little differently.

Anyways, I then went on to do history at university and it was there I discovered my love of writing. Now I know my understanding of grammar and punctuation is only on a basic level. However, I absolutely love writing about all sorts of subjects. Realistically though I have neither the skill nor the confidence to become an author.

So this is where the blog idea came from. I heard about all sorts of people making friends and indulging their  love of writing through blogging. So I've decided to have a go myself. Through my blog I hope to write about a variety of things, be they historical events (thrilling I know), make-up and all that lovely stuff, fashion because I know what I'm talking about (i forgot sarcasm doesn't come across well in written form), videogames and finally just life in general. I don't claim to have an interesting life by any means but sometimes it's the more boring, mundane aspects of life that makes it enjoyable. God that was cheesy but I maintain it was a valid point.

Blog Name?

Bit random but my name is not in fact Mandy. It is in fact.....drumroll please.......Emma! Worth the suspense I'm sure. Basically my best friend always used to say I looked and acted a lot like Mandy from 'The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy' and I hadn't the heart to disagree with her. I also happen to be very fond of the Mr Men and Little Miss series so..Voila! Little Miss Mandy was born.

Favourite books?

I have always neglected reading for as long as I can remember but since I've been at uni I have gotten a lot better. I absolutely love the Hitchhikers Guide series. Why? just read it seriously. Recently I've read the Jurassic Park series. Got to say I didn't enjoy them as much as I thought I would. Writing style didn't suit me perhaps. Nevertheless a great plot. I like dinosaurs. Nuff said. Also have just finished the Hobbit and liked it a lot. I emphasise this is the book I'm talking about not the film. No matter how adorable Fili, Kili and Bofur are I cannot not forgive that trilogy for its many faults. That's a conversation for another time though. Seriously I could rant for hours. Oh and obviously I love Harry Potter. Obviously.

Favourite Music?

I listen to pretty much anything if it's catchy enough. Bands I particularly like are The Beatles (and I live in Liverpool so I really should be sick of them), Arctic Monkeys, Bastille, Oasis, Noel Gallaghers High Flying Birds (not including Beady Eye on this list mwa ha), Of Monsters and Men, Jake Bugg and so so much more. Not really. I like listening to soundtracks mostly.

Favourite TV shows (have to admit I'm not really a film person)

Mostly I like British comedy series (older ones especially). To mention a few, Only Fools and Horses, Blackadder (The Third and Goes Forth), Fawlty Towers, Allo Allo, I'm Alan Partridge (my favourite comedy character of all time) and various others. There are a few more modern ones though like Black Books (i love love love this series) and The Thick of It (genius, though definitely not one for the kiddies). I enjoy both the Office and its US sibling. I am also fond of a Friends episode from time to time. Also been enjoying Seinfeld a lot recently too. It's quite worrying that the character I most identify with is George.

I also used to be completely obsessed with Supernatural but recent seasons have put me off so....look Sam and Dean, I used to love you dearly but I'm afraid my heart now belongs to Castiel. Sorry. A tenth series you say? Please for the love of god let it end.

Sherlock too. I love. Except the third series left me so confused. Thought I was actually watching fanfiction manifesting itself in television form. Not bad, but not good either.

Wearing? (seen this one a lot on blogs so what the hell)

Black leggings and a T-Rex oversized t-shirt. Did I mention I like dinosaurs?

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